Alaska Tour of Future Cities- Making Connections

October 4th-6th, 2024

Tis the season of World Space Week, the Future City competition, and the self-guided Solar Tours. All national events that in Alaska have come together as the Tour of Future Cities. The first week of October is stuffed full of impactful events that provide insight on opportunities for Alaskans to lower the cost of energy and improve the quality of life for generations to come. Many you can view from the comfort of your home, but you really should share the experience with good friends, as we are doing here.

For over 60 years the American Solar Energy Society has been organizing the national solar tour and for the last decade ARK has been proud to collaborate and represent the state of Alaska. However, energy is an investment into future cities and aerospace provides the most efficient, and often elegant solutions to everyday problems like waste, hunger, and homelessness.

This year we are continuing the conversation of high-speed transit and it’s future in Alaska. Nationally, there are several high-speed project in the works but they all are steel on steel, which are the bullet-shaped trains they talk about traveling 300mph. However, while we were discussing the much more versatile tubular transportation, China was using this same technology to break land speed records. We have a way to make peace, restore the planet, and create a sustainable sovereign wealth fund for planet Earth.

2024 Event Schedule

Hosted by local pipefitters 375

Events this year will take place at the Pipefitter training center off Vanhorn Rd.

3605 Cartwright Ct. Building C

Friday October 4th, 2024 5:30-7pm

Daryl Oster will present an overview of the Evacuated Tube Transit Technology, its history, use globally and the next steps being taken to bring this reliable innovation to the last frontier.

Saturday, October, 5th 2024 10am-12pm

Daryl Oster will present on the plethora of technologies that go into ET3 and how those companies create jobs for today while preparing careers for tomorrow. This is when we will also cover its use as a people mover, mineral mover, oil mover, natural gas mover, cargo mover, and waste mover, all scalable and safe to use even at 3000mph.

Sunday Oct, 6th 2024 2pm-4pm

Daryl Oster will present on the investment opportunities and engage stake and shareholders in a summit on how ET3AK moves forward as an endgame solution to the multitude of challenges holding us back.

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