Good Jobs for a Green World

The Good Jobs for a Green World plan is an endgame solution because investing in people is profitable. The education of critical thinkers grows generational wealth though the investment of innovators who are continuously inspired and who inspire others to innovate. Initially organized as a response to an US Economic Development Agency grant, this framework for investing in at-risk individuals, recognizes on the back end we as a society invest ~$50K a year to keep individuals imprisoned or to deal with them as homeless. This recognition brings light to the solution of front-end investments into financial literacy, trauma recovery, and career development.

The grant itself covers 3 years of staffing and operational support for 5 individuals to provide such comprehensive support services for candidates who can become force multipliers and pay forward the investment in an individuals to see entire communities flourish. However, we are not waiting on or counting on this or any other grant to financing the teams so we can fund the program. We are looking at other revenue stream models, applying for other grants, seeking corporate sponsorships, and negotiating with socially responsible private equity investors.

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Planting the seeds of a sustainable tomorrow