Global Charter

WHEREAS our world is a dynamic living organism and we co-exist in a symbiotic relationship. Our knowledge, skills, and experience give us the ability to change this world and with this power we accept the responsibility of stewardship.

WHEREAS scientific evidence proves that humans as a species can have a negative impact on the sensitive environment also proves we can have a positive impact as we apply our knowledge and ingenuity to building a clean energy, food sovereign, zero-waste, peaceful, resource based regenerative economy.

WHEREAS just, educated, disciplined, individuals have the raw power, through choice, to shape the world forever we choose to stand for those who cannot and provide a peaceful voice of reason and knowledge for those who cannot speak for themselves.  This extends beyond our human family to the birds, the fish, and the trees without which our world would be dull and lifeless.

WHEREAS the accumulation of material possessions and the consumption of natural resources is not considered to be the highest purpose of humanity, definition of happiness, or the measure of progress.

WHEREAS all people of creed, color, orientation, and ability have value thus when given the free choice and opportunity can make beautiful contributions to the conscious evolutional advancement of the human species.

WHEREAS to empower in others the ability to lead themselves and lead each other through example is the most important leadership quality and one which should be nurtured in the young and old.  

WHEREAS a reliably prosperous economy can only exist and be sustained in the context of an educated and empowered community nourished by a healthy ecosystem there is an immediate need to expand our current business calculations to internalize more “real world” costs and externalize the benefits of our industrialist efforts to as many as possible thus empowering them to make their own innovative contributions.

WE THE UNDERSIGNED members agree to support these principles and work to contribute to a thriving regenerative economy as the foundation on which to nurture culture and preserve our collective heritage.  This model of resiliency and self-reliance are our contribution to a sustainable future and focused in the following areas:

  1. Geotourism-this emerging global industry puts the sharing of heritage, traditions, and sacred knowledge in connection with the democratic pursuit of self-reliance, and reliable prosperity driven by local economic opportunities; powered by clean energy and zero-waste.  Tourists are not interested in visiting towns powered by dirty diesel engines; with open land-fills; or community members suffering with substance abuse issues.  In such a manner opening rural Alaska to tourism is the ultimate means by which to preserve Indigenous heritage culture and ensure the continued prosperity of the whole state.
  • Energy Democracy– the pursuit of energy independence is driven by economic necessity and Alaska is unique in our geographically isolated communities which create the ideal circumstances to justify the economic investment into localized (onsite whenever possible) renewable energy portfolios.  As in all of Nature diversity is the key to reliability and sustainable performance. Beyond technical performance community collaboration can provide access to pools of climate sensitive investor’s funds to overcome capital barriers.
  • Food Sovereignty– Food is critical to all life and only proceeded in importance by energy.  It is however, in our society a common denominator and especially for Alaska something we cannot afford to accept as always available or nutritious.  The key here, again, is diversity whereas urban communities look at the adaptive model of vertical farming to best manage space and resources while smaller and rural communities supplement those efforts with community gardens, coops, hoop-houses, and whatever other innovations may manifest on the grassroots level.
  • Zero Waste Manufacturing– In a closed-loop system there is no such thing as “away”.  All material (all energy) is constantly being transformed and recycled so everything is continuously renewed.  It is our responsibility as stewards to align our materials economy to more closely mimic the natural systems in order to create the raw material needed to produce consumer goods we consume.  The processes and technologies exist to utilize community resources for the most practical purpose rending the idea of a “land-fill” obsolete.  We simply seek to contribute by demonstrating them and as needed assist in their replication.
  • Access to Housing– Secure stable and safe housing is a fundamental need to human well-being and the solid foundation on which personal growth and prosperity is built.  We cannot nurture individual development without contributing to the ongoing efforts to provide such necessity to all the people, specifically our youth and vulnerable citizens.
  • Personal Health– The path to greater service must begin with the ability to develop personal responsibility.  Understanding the fundamentals of personal finance, grooming, seeking assistance to overcome personal issues are all hallmarks of growth.  To the degree we are needed and our abilities permit we will continue to assist agencies and organizations who are providing those services and develop programs that complement and augment what is already being done in these areas.
  • Engaging Education– When the focus of education is to teach people what to think and not how to think, we have failed on a monumental scale.  We must work to contribute to the alignment of the public education system to reflect the empowerment of unique individuals and move away from programming biological automatons. It is important to continuously nurture programs that are engaging and customized to meet individual learning styles.  We must also continue to support the arts because math can help you understand why and how the world works but only the arts can help you imagine how to make it better and more beautiful.
  • Community Enterprise– Most people do not seek hand-outs they only seek the opportunity to utilize their talents, experience, and education in making a meaningful contribution to the community and society at large in a way that allows for them to meet their basic expenses and provide for their families in such a manner as suits their individual lifestyle.  Just as there are movements to automate industrialized manufacturing some of those same technologies can be used to humanize the production process and scale the manufacturing of some materials to match community resources.
  • Aerospace and International Commerce–  The advancement of technology, processes, and an understanding of how to live, work, and play in space is the most positive and effective means of stimulating the human imagination and has spurred more innovation and social advancement than any military campaign which is continuously diminishing ourselves as a species.  Alaska is uniquely positioned to make a significant contribution to this growing global industry and technological developments in this field can help us align our existing economy to more easily facilitate delivering people, coal, oil, water, and mineral resources to global markets for maximum profit and benefit of the planet and her people.

Planting the seeds of a sustainable tomorrow